Tachless Show with Kira Tchernikovsky

Welcome to the Tachless Show with Kira Tchernikovsky, the international marketing consultant in integrated solutions for businesses. Tachless is my life-scale approach that focuses on what matters and cuts off the non-important stuff. Tachless is a Hebrew word that means “essence”, ‘purpose’, “to the point’. It helps people answer the question: ‘What’s the point?’, and works for business and life. It aims to change paradigms and shake the status quo in questions important to you, so that your life and business becomes easier and more enjoyable. Focusing on what is important helps me in everyday life - I can do more of what I like by working smarter, not harder. Therefore, I am known as a positive person, generously sharing my wisdom with people who want to learn this positivity from me. I see my mission in helping people live their professional and personal lives easier, doing things differently, with a smile. Listen in, and have fun achieving your goals!

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Tuesday Feb 23, 2021

Max Beaumont was a sales guy for years, giving a presentation almost every single day to audiences anywhere from three-four people to three hundred people.
Today he coaches how to give an effective presentation from all his presentation experience, and trains on how to give a good effective confident presentation. This helps different types of business professionals with their presentation networking and interpersonal skills as well as their sales skills.

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